Participation Announcement - Temps d'Afrique #4 Event The Cluster Digital Africa is pleased to anno


Participation Announcement - Temps d'Afrique #4 Event

The Cluster Digital Africa is pleased to announce the participation of our Vice President of Honor, Coumba Bah, in the "Temps d'Afrique #4" event organized by the Laboratory for Analysis of Societies and Powers / Africa-Diasporas (LASPSD). This event will shed light on an essential discussion about the role of social media in the Sahelian conflict and how public opinion is influenced.

Event Details:

Theme: "Controlling Public Opinion at Any Cost? Analysis of the Role of Social Media in the Sahelian Conflict."

Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM GMT

Location: Online

Moderator: Khalifa Diop, Researcher

Speaker: Coumba Bah

Coumba Bah is our Vice President of Honor and brings valuable expertise in the fields of communication and media relations. Her experience at Plan International strengthens her understanding of key issues facing Africa.

Join Us Online:

To attend this important discussion, please follow the Zoom link:

The Cluster Digital Africa team encourages your participation in this event to enrich the debate on the role of social media in the Sahelian context. We look forward to this opportunity for sharing and learning.

#ClusterDigitalAfrica #TempsdAfrique4 #SocialMedia #SahelianConflict #PublicOpinion #Leadership

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